
My Story

Art that is connected to your heart and soul

I am a mixed media artist that loves drawing inspiration from nature and all things whimsy and wonderful.

For as long as I can remember I have done art, or something creative, in one form or another. My love of art came from my Dad who inspired and encouraged me in everything I tried my hand at. 

When my kids were little I started sewing in earnest in order to make them designer style clothes without the sky high price tag. From that I progressed into patchwork and quilting. I still love sewing and quilting to this day but find it isn’t portable enough for my current lifestyle. Slowly art started creeping back into my life.

For quite a while therapy was the reason for me doing art as I went through a very depressed time in my life. I was working full time in a high-pressure job and there were various personal/family issues that I had trouble dealing with. So, art became my release.

I also discovered that I am an equal left brain – right brain person so an imbalance between the two really saw a negative effect on my mental health. 

My art then started to become just something I did because I knew I had to – not because I had a passion for it.

I finally rediscovered my art passion several years ago by undertaking a course in realistic animal art portraits using pastel pencils. Finally, I had the passion for art back in my life and my heart started to sing again. I have now returned to my love of mixed media and create on all types of surfaces.

So here I am. I need art in my life for not just my mental health but also because I love it. 

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