It happens to all of us at sometime. I have been in a rut and totally unmotivated. I suppose you could say I was burnt out. I had been putting all my free time and all my effort into getting my membership program developed and working my full time day job that I found myself feeling anxious all the time. I couldn't sleep and the thought of doing art almost made me feel ill. Fortunately, I recognised the signs of my downward spiral and did something about it before it got too bad. I took a break.
I actually took 2 days off work and just binge watched some silly series on TV. I stopped all work on my membership program and didn't pick up an art tool for 2 months. I didn't work on my website (this one) or my Facebook page. I took a total break from it all. When I finally felt like doing something creative I went back to my passion and did some work in one of my art journals.
It finally felt good to be doing art. Instead of making me feel anxious and pressured, it was feeling like fun again.
Taking a break was essential for me to reset and rediscover my passion. It's easy to forget that creativity isn't just about productivity—it's about joy and expression. Stepping back allowed me to reconnect with the reasons I started creating art in the first place.
During my break, I also realised the importance of self-care and mental health. It's crucial to listen to your body and mind when they signal that something is off. Ignoring these signs can lead to more severe issues like chronic stress or serious burnout.
If you're feeling overwhelmed, remember that it's okay to step away. Give yourself permission to rest and recharge. Engage in activities that bring you comfort and relaxation, whether it's watching TV, reading a book, or spending time in nature. Sometimes, the best way to reignite your creativity is to give it the space to breathe.
When I returned to art, I approached it with a new mindset. I set healthier boundaries and made sure to balance my creative pursuits with other aspects of my life. This balance has helped me maintain a sustainable and enjoyable creative practice.
So, if you're feeling stuck or burnt out, know that you're not alone. It's a common experience, and taking a break can be a powerful way to rejuvenate your creativity. Listen to yourself, take the time you need, and when you're ready, your art will be waiting for you—ready to bring you joy once again.
Download my free guide, "Tips for Overcoming Creative Block," and discover proven strategies to reignite your passion and boost your artistic inspiration. Don't let creative block hold you back—get your free tips now and start creating with confidence!
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