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Travel Journalling – Part 1

Vicky Tailor • 22 August 2023

One of the best things about travelling is recording your adventures. I know most people are like me and come home from a holiday and spend many months printing out and scrapbooking their travels. I used to find this exciting but also a bit frustrating as you inevitably forget a key detail like “what was the name of that cute little café in…???” Or worse still, and, yes, sadly this has happened to me – you lose ALL the photo’s you took on your amazing holiday due to a storage drive failure. Fortunately, on this occasion, I had already documented our trip whilst we were travelling, if I hadn’t those memory reminders would be lost forever. The fact that all the photo’s I hadn’t already printed and put into my travel journal are lost forever still upsets me to this day. But it does make my completed travel journal all that more precious.

To this day many of the journals I had great intentions of completing once I got home, remain unfinished for one reason or another including the fact that before they were done our next holiday would come around and I would be off on our next adventure and collecting new memories to document. I have many travel journals/scrapbooks that are incomplete with photo’s not printed or are sitting in a box somewhere collecting dust as time and life gets away from you.

Now before I go on holiday, I prepare a travel journal specifically for the trip. Whilst travelling I use the “wasted time” to document each day. By “wasted time” I mean time spent sitting at the airport waiting for my flight, or evenings in the hotel room resting from the day’s adventures. By putting some pre-travel thought into the supplies I take I can very easily document my travels and have the whole thing finished BEFORE I even get home. 

Nowadays, I do a mixture of art and scrapbooking whilst I am travelling. I love taking photos and including them in my travel journal along with the bits and pieces (ephemera) I collect along the way. But I also love sketching and creating art on the go. So now, my travel journals are made to accommodate these two creative processes. Of course, it has evolved over the years, one of my first travel journals was basically just a scrapbook as I hadn’t re-discovered my love of art at the time. 

On our last trip to Tassie to visit my sister I just sketched. We have been there so many times that we didn’t do any sightseeing this time and just hung around her property relaxing. It was nice sitting there on her deck and relaxing with a glass of wine, pencil in hand and my sketchbook ready to sketch the surrounding views. 

In just under 4 weeks, we are off on a family holiday to Queenstown, New Zealand. We are going with my son, his wife and our 2 grandchildren. This will be the grandkids first time in the snow, so we are really looking forward to it. It will be my first time in New Zealand so that is also exciting. New Zealand is such a beautiful place I just know I will be taking hundreds of photos. I also am really looking forward to sketching my own interpretation of these scenes.

Unlike most other people, over the last couple of months I haven’t been planning what clothes to take or what must see tourist attractions to visit …. I have been planning and creating my travel journal and deciding what supplies to take. At this point in time, I have my journal and supplies all packed and ready to go. But I haven’t got one item of clothing organised. LOL

I have spent weeks “auditioning” which of my watercolour paints to take. (At one point my hubby asked me if there was a prize for the supplies that won because I had literally spent hours swatching out colours and deciding which best suited the “theme” of our destination – cheeky bugger.) I didn’t want to take my entire range of watercolours as that only adds to the procrastination of creating art – do I use ultramarine blue or cobalt blue…. which shade of green should this be…. should I use burnt umber or burnt sienna? If you have limited supplies, you make do with what you have and just go for it. Well, that is what I have found over the years anyway.

I have hand-made my travel journal using my favourite size format for creating on the go. It has a mixture of scrapbooking papers (for photos) and good quality watercolour paper for creating art. I will go into more detail on creating my travel journal and the final selection of supplies to take in my next post. But for now, here is a picture of the first page of my travel journal and some of the “winning” supplies. It’s nice to not have a completely blank journal to dive into when travelling.

My next job is to pack all these so they are as portable as possible…

Ensure that you register on my website or follow me on Facebook to stay updated on the real-time creation of my travel journal. This way, you won't miss out on any of my ongoing activities and adventures.




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Please note that some links on this blog may contain affiliate links and I may receive a small commission from sales made via those links. This is at no additional cost to you. Please be assured that I will only ever recommend products I use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own.
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Please note that some links on this blog contain affiliate links and I may receive a small commission from sales made via those links. This is at no additional cost to you. Please be assured that I will only ever recommend products I use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own.
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